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What is the SLP Praxis Exam?
The SLP Praxis exam (code: 5331) is a 132-question, multiple-choice exam that covers the foundational knowledge, assessment, and treatment of all areas related to speech-language pathology. You have 150 minutes to complete the SLP Praxis exam, which means you have a little over one minute to answer each question. Your score falls between 100-200; you need a 162 to pass.
For a full guide on the SLP Praxis and general testing requirements, check out the ETS website and/or Information Bulletin.
SLP Praxis Exam Structure
The SLP Praxis exam has three main parts. About 1/3 of the questions are related to each part seen below:
- Foundations and Professional Practice
- Screening, Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis
- Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of Treatment
These areas cover the full breadth of communication disorders as well as ethics, laws, research design, and more clinically-related topics.
SLP Praxis Exam Content
The exam will cover communication disorders such as:
- Articulation
- Fluency
- Voice and resonance
- Language (receptive and expressive)
- Hearing
- Swallowing
- Cognitive-communication
- Social communication
- Communication modalities (AAC)
Other general clinical areas that may be covered include:
- ASHA Code of Ethics
- Research
- Counseling
- Documentation
- Legislation
- Etiologies
Multiple Choice Question Strategies for the SLP Praxis Exam
The SLP Praxis test contains mostly multiple choice questions where you are presented with four possible answers and you must choose one; however, there are other types of questions as well.
These include:
- Select all that apply (aka - there may be more than one correct answer for you to select a multiple choice bubble for)
- Drag and drop (aka - fill out a chart matching etiologies to common communication disorders)
Find more specific information about them on the ETS website!
Answering Strategies:
- Read the answers before the question. This can help you tune into specific parts of the question more easily! This can be especially helpful if the question is long and the answers are shorter.
- Double check key terms in the question and answers. The questions are not meant to trick you but sometimes, specific terms that may be overlooked provide important information and clues into correct answers.
- Try to explain your answer to yourself, or, explain why you wouldn’t pick a specific answer. When you are explaining something (to another person or just in your head!) you can sometimes recognize why an answer is correct or incorrect.
- Look out for absolutes. If an answer says you must always or never do something or always or never applies, this may be a red flag!
- Trust your gut. Often, if you are torn between two answers, your first guess is the correct guess!
- Answer every question. You get 0 points for not answering a question but have at least a small chance at getting the question right if you do take a guess! Do your best to answer all questions on the exam.
Sample SLP Praxis Exam Question Using Test-Taking Strategies
The following is an example question. Key words and notes are highlighted throughout.

SLP Praxis Exam Resources
- We recommend An Advanced Review of Speech-Language Pathology: Preparation for the Praxis SLP and Comprehensive Examination for an overview of all areas of the test.
- If you are a nervous standardized test-taker and are looking for some general tips, this book or this one may be helpful!
- Taking practice exams can be helpful for familiarizing yourself with the test structure and providing insight into areas that you may be more or less comfortable with. You can find some on the ETS website or True Learn.
Finally, you may want tutoring services and we can help you with that! Find more information here or reach out to us via email at hello@communicationcommunity.com.
Disclosure: we may receive a small commission from products purchased through Amazon, though all opinions are our own!
"Speech-Language Pathology" (5331) Exam Overview: Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/pdfs/praxis/5331.pdf
Speech-Language Pathology Glossary: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.asha.org/events/slp-summit-glossary/
"Speech-Language Pathology" (5331) Prep Materials: Educational Testing Service. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/praxis/asha/test-takers/resources/prep-materials.html?examId=5331