Speech therapy materials and resources: access $1000+ in resources for a fraction of the cost – join the Premium Community!

Speech therapy materials and resources: access $1000+ in resources for a fraction of the cost – join the Premium Community!

Check out our 'Top 10' recs for: books, toys, games, and our favorite office must-haves.

Check out our 'Top 10' recs for: books, toys, games, and our favorite office must-haves.

Access our speech and language resources and materials right through our site.

Access our speech and language resources and materials right through our site.

Get to know more about Communication Community co-founders and SLPs, Becca and Kristi!

Get to know more about Communication Community co-founders and SLPs, Becca and Kristi!

Communication Community
What are Fringe Words?

What are Fringe Words?

Fringe words, also known as fringe vocabulary, refer to words specific to a topic, individual, or environment. While core words make up about 80% of our everyday language. fringe words make up about 20% of it.

Webs: Best of... Therapy Tools! June 2020

Webs: Best of... Therapy Tools! June 2020

Webs are our 'best of' for the month of June! One of the primary reasons being that they can be used in an assortment of ways for a wide variety of speech and language tasks. So open your Zoom whiteboard or take out a piece of printer paper and a pencil - let’s talk about webs!

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