6 Fun Winter Activities for Speech and Language
Fun winter-related activities that your whole family can enjoy are also great ways to work on speech and language skills. Read about six of our favorites!
Fun winter-related activities that your whole family can enjoy are also great ways to work on speech and language skills. Read about six of our favorites!
We brought you the best books for speech and language - now check out our latest post about TOYS! Just in time for the holidays! Play away!
Including siblings in speech therapy is a great way to facilitate learning through fun and engaging activities!
While we may not be as young as we were in this picture (photo taken in grad school), we still share many of the same qualities that we did then! Traveling and spending time with friends being two of them. Read our personal and professional Q & A with the authors, Kristi and Becca!
We've decided to prep for Thanksgiving a week early this year! We've made you a scavenger hunt that will be fun for the whole family. Use at home or as a therapy activity. Enjoy!
"Mid tech" and "high tech" augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices are discussed in this article. This is the third post in a three-part series on types of AAC devices.
Want to know more about "low tech" Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)? Read about different types of "low tech" AAC, how they can be used, and why someone would use one.