Breakfast With a Side of Communication
How can you incorporate communication into a daily activity? What are some ways to work on language skills during a meal? Read more to find out.
How can you incorporate communication into a daily activity? What are some ways to work on language skills during a meal? Read more to find out.
What will you read when you receive a speech-language evaluation report? What can you expect? This article highlights some of the key things you may find.
What is an IEP? IEP stands for Individualized Education Program. An initial IEP meeting is held to determine if a student is eligible to receive special education or other related services.
You have a speech-language evaluation for your child scheduled...but you are not sure what to expect. Here, read about what you are likely to see in an evaluation.
Welcome to Communication Community! Check out our post on developmental milestones for speech and language. Here, you can find information about where your child’s communication skills should be from the ages birth to 5.