What is Aural Rehab? (And what does treatment involve?)
Aural rehab is related to the management of hearing loss. In this post, we will define aural rehab and the role that speech-language pathologists play in this area.
Aural rehab is related to the management of hearing loss. In this post, we will define aural rehab and the role that speech-language pathologists play in this area.
This month, we interviewed Micaela, a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in New York. She shared what she does and how she works with SLPs as she helps support students who are Deaf or hard of hearing (e.g. have hearing loss of some type)
This Q & A is with an audiologist. Amanda talks about her work as a pediatric audiologist, gives advice for parents and caregivers, and shares how she works with SLPs!