SLP Praxis Exam Tips: What to Know
The SLP Praxis exam is a 100+ question standardized test that one must pass to earn their CCCs. Love or hate standardized tests, it’s a necessary hurdle for speech-language pathologists!
Check out our latest blog posts here! We hope you enjoy.
The SLP Praxis exam is a 100+ question standardized test that one must pass to earn their CCCs. Love or hate standardized tests, it’s a necessary hurdle for speech-language pathologists!
FREE plural nouns worksheet for regular and irregular nouns. Available as a PDF download. Tons of uses for this quick digital or printable material. Scroll down this post to access your free worksheet!
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FREE idioms worksheet and downloadable PDF. Tons of uses for this quick digital or printable material. Scroll down this post to access your free worksheet!
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Each month we discuss our favorite therapy tip, tool, or material…and this month, we are talking about LEGO blocks!
Zingo is one of our favorite games! We use it in our therapy sessions to target speech and language. Also, "Best of" for February 2022.