We are so excited we were able to share our "Best of...Therapy Tools" with our exclusive newsletter subscribers for 2020 (may it have been one of the few positive takeaways). It is never too late to subscribe to our newsletter via our pop-up and be the first to check out these posts. In the article below, we also included some other fun tools we had to share this year… click on the link to be directed to the post on our site.
January 2020: Disinfecting wipes - woah we were scarily ahead of ourselves here
February 2020: Google Images - a classic
March 2020: Zoom - lol ever heard of it?
April 2020: Wordless videos - one of our consistent top hits of the year!
May 2020: Coloring activity - an at-home favorite
June 2020: Webs - post includes soooo many ways to use
July 2020: Whiteboards - don’t forget this can be virtual too!
August 2020: Virtual tours - who needs to stress about staying in groups and bathroom buddies when these are available?
September 2020: Music - one of our favorites and appropriate for all ages!
October 2020: The expectant pause - pausing is POWERFUL
November 2020: Goal writing formula - you’ll never forget the the Do, Condition, Criteria (+ Consistency) after this post

Last, but certainly not least, is our Best of… Therapy Tools for December 2020: Our Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) Store!
As many caregivers and educators are already aware, TPT is a phenomenal resource containing a plethora of academic, therapeutic, and at home educational materials. As our world became more remote and virtual learning became a “norm,” emergency downloads of digital resources have also become pretty standard.
What to check out in our TPT store:
- Goal Banks - we have MASSIVE goal banks for Early Intervention/Preschool, Language, and AAC!
- Articulation - we have a slew of articulation worksheets for initial and final positions of words as well as an SSD Goal Creator resource!
- Core/Fringe Words
Trail Mix Recipe w/Core Words Practice
Back to School Bingo! Fringe Vocabulary
AAC Core Word of the Week Activities: GO and MORE
- Grammar - who doesn’t enjoy a good ol’ Mad Libs?! Check out our very first Mad Libs worksheet, accompanied by a printable infographic outlining all 8 parts of speech
- Seasonal - holiday resources are always a go-to for home, classroom, and therapy. Check out all of our seasonal reusable resources (from scavenger hunts to art activities) below
Fall-Themed WH- Question Stories
Fringe Vocabulary Fall Bingo Activity